Athletic Budget Update #65

Here is the latest college athletics budget news:

USA Today with an in-depth analysis of the financial state of college athletics reports that at best (depending on accounting method), 53 of 350 Division I institutions are revenue neutral or generate revenue for their institution.

South Carolina State is facing massive budget cuts that could result in a loss of $2.5 million in financial aid for student athletes among other reductions.

St. Bonaventure, like many private institutions, is trying to figure out how to fund its institutional and athletic costs as the number of tuition paying students on its campus continues to decline.  The athletic budget as a percentage of the University budget approaches 15%.  This is a multiple part series (part 2 and part three.)

The Springfield News-Leader with an in-depth review of Missouri State's budget and cost of attendance plans.

Louisiana Lafayette may reduce its athletic budget 5-8% in order to cover the $1.2 million expense related to cost of attendance stipends.

California University of Pennsylvania is eliminating six assistant coaching positions.

UAB announced the reinstatement of its football, bowling and rifle teams.  


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