Athletic Budget Update #64

Coaches and administrators at Georgia are concerned about the impact their low cost of attendance stipend for student athletes will have on recruiting.  Men's basketball coach Mark Fox is seeking a way to "protect a level playing field" and calls the differential a "massive issue."

The Chronicle is reporting that NC State has discussed using its student athlete assistance fund as a means to enhance their cost of attendance stipend in order to make it on par or better than other institutions' stipends.

Cleveland State reinstated their wrestling program after students supported a referendum that will see them pay $1 more per credit hour to retain the team.

George Washington is cutting their budget by 5% as mandated by the University.  The department will close some of the gap through a 70% increase in external revenue and by not filling some positions.

Western Kentucky is increasing its athletic fee to counteract enrollment declines and help reduce an athletic deficit.

Shippensburg University student senate increased funding for athletics and also granted the athletic department greater control over how it spends the funds.

Criticism continues over Rutgers Athletics budget deficit, this time from Joe Nocera of the New York Times.  


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