Athletic Budget Update #58

Texas lost $2.8 million in 2013-14 despite $161 million in revenue.

FAU is still seeking a return on its $70 million football investment amid low attendance and on-field performance that hasn't met expectations.

Minnesota Duluth is releasing its five time national champion head coach Shannon Miller because it can no longer afford to pay her.  In the University's press release  Athletic Director Josh Berlo said "She established a winning program, raised it to the highest level of competition and sustained a national championship tradition over the last 15 years.  Today's decision about Shannon's contract was an immensely difficult and financially driven decision.  Unfortunately, UMD Athletics is not in a position to sustain the current salary levels of our women's hockey coaching staff."

Hawaii's on-going financial troubles have the institution seeking additional state support.

Interesting read about how schools in South Dakota intend to address pending rule changes coming out of the 2015 NCAA Convention.

Nevada pursuing a micro-financing campaign to raise $4 million for a scoreboard, sound system and other improvements to their football stadium.

A Virginia legislator is looking to reduce the fees students pay for athletics, which could impact public colleges and universities across the state.


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