Running with scissors in 2012

And during the Christmas season, it’s hard to come up with a greater cautionary message than in “A Christmas Story” when Ralphie’s pursuit of an official “Red Rider” BB Gun is squashed by his mother’s concern that “you’ll shoot your eye out”. Timeless.

I hope you can look back at the past year and recognize some moments (maybe even more than a few) when you ran with scissors – took risks and went against the conventional wisdom or the safe choice and took a path less traveled. The outcome is less important than the willingness to test your boundaries.
And before we get too far into 2012 I encourage you to spend some time thinking and talking about how you can identify opportunities to take risks and grow – professionally, personally, physically, mentally, emotionally, in your faith, and with your family. Write them down, tape them to your mirror and in 365 days, I think you will be happy you did.
All the best for a Happy New Year from