Athletic Budget Update #55

New Orleans Chancellor Timothy P. Ryan indicated the University is evaluating the possibility of the moving from Division I to Division III due to their dire institutional and athletic budget situation. 

Boise State has announced that they are selling shares of stock that provide ownership in Boise State Athletics, Inc.  The non-profit corporation will allow shareholders to vote for board members and provides an influx of financial support similar to what the Green Bay Packers experienced in the 1997 when they went public.  Shares are $100 each and 1,200 have already been sold.

Boise State's football team is also seeking a home and home series to fill out its schedule, but having little success finding a game.  They are also willing to accept $900,000 to $1 million to play a guarantee game.   

The Chair of New Mexico's Student Fee Review Board intends to reconsider the $1.5 million the athletic program receives in light of a number of recent high profile incidents surrounding the program. 

Stanford's continuing budget situation has reached the stage where there is dialogue about the possibility of cutting sports on The Farm, although it is still considered a last resort.

California Chancellor Robert Birgeneau indicated that he will be working to develop a plan that removes all institutional support for athletics.  

USA Today has done an in depth series of articles about the salaries of college football coaches.  A database of the salaries was developed as well as a number of articles.   Inside Higher Education has also looked at the issue.

Alaska Anchorage's attempt to increase their student fee was rejected by the student government in a 10-1 vote.   

Media guides have yet another twist.  Jayda Evans who writes the women's hoops blog for the Seattle Times posted a fascinating article about Florida State women's basketball in which "Players are depicted in silky, metallic-colored, sleeveless dresses either stepping out of a limo or leaning beside one in artistic glam shots."  It's an article that is sure to spark discussion about the depiction and approach.  The Florida State site can be accessed here.

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