Athletic budget update #35 - Plus and Minus

The WAC announced significant conference wide cuts to improve their budget situation. The cuts include reducing the size of their post season tournament fields in all sports including men's and women's basketball; freezing all officiating fees; the conference operating budget will be reduced by more than five percent by moving several printed media guides and other materials online, eliminating basketball media day, changing the location of several conference meetings and using more teleconferences, eliminating a intern position and providing no salary or benefit increases for conference office staff.
Michigan reported a budget surplus of between $9 and $10 million to the Michigan Board of Regents.
Wisconsin-Green Bay is eliminating media guides, saving $20,000 per year.
Florida International is eliminating their marching band and will be looking to high school bands to fill the void.
Sports Illustrated did an in depth look at the controversy surrounding cheer leading as a varsity sport to help with Title IX compliance.
Somewhat to my surprise I don't believe any lacrosse programs have been cut in this economic downturn...rather they are still being added.