Athletic budget cut update #26

Extensive budget news has emerged in the last few days. Here's the latest:

Delaware State has decided to forfeit their contest against conference opponent North Carolina A&T rather than reschedule a game with Michigan that was scheduled for the same dates. It is anticipated that Michigan will pay Delaware State at least $500,000.

Boise State is cutting their athletic budget by more than 6% (approximately $175,000). No specific details about what will be cut have been announced yet.
Hawaii is facing an accumulated debt of more than $5 million and is expecting a shortfall of $2-3 million at the end of this fiscal year. Increased student fees and relief from their Aloha Stadium agreement are being suggested as the most likely ways to close the financial gap.

Conference USA football coaches and athletic directors are meeting to discuss the possibility of limiting travel squads and eliminating media guides. The coaches quoted in the article view comparison to BCS schools as the standard by which cuts should be determined.

Harvard is reducing team travel, closing a recreational facility for the summer and dropping three junior varsity teams (basketball, baseball and ice hockey) to club sport status.

Florida State Faculty Athletic Representative Joe Beckham is quoted in the Orlando Sentinel that the Seminoles may have to consider cutting teams if their budget situation remains poor for more than another year.

The Desert News has a lengthy article about the budget cuts that are occurring in the state of Utah. Contained within the article is information that University of Utah is facing a budget hole of $250,000 at the end of the fiscal year; no budget or salary increases; elimination of a football fan festival; and possible reductions in non-traditional season scheduling for teams that are out of season.

Utah State is facing a $1 million deficit and considering going to paperless media guides, eliminating land based phone lines, and cutting back on administrative travel.

Weber State has had to lay off staff and is reducing air travel for football in favor of chartered buses where possible.

Wyoming is facing a between 2-15% cut in state funds for athletics. Nearly half of the Wyoming budget is from state funds. And extended period of cuts could lead to the elimination of sports.

Lastly, following on an earlier posting from, Quinnipiac has been testifying in court over their Title IX compliance practices with numerous questions arising about the Bobcats' approach to roster management.


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