UMass skiing dropped, baseball survives

The University of Massachusetts announced that they are dropping their men's and women's skiing programs, saving approximately $100,000 as part of a plan to find $850,000 in budget savings. The baseball program, which had been cited by numerous media sources as the team likely to be cut, remains a varsity program at this time.

UMass is also eliminating media guides for its skiing teams.


Anonymous said…
Per the UMass Athletic Department, the only media guides being dropped are for skiing. All others are intact
Anonymous said…
Media guides are meant to be for "media." There is no sense in printing them since all of the information is available to fans online. This is similiar to game day programs that most colleges print. At the end of a contest as you exit there are still thousands of programs remaining which cannot be used for another game day in most cases. From a financial and environmental perspective it makes sense to discontinue the printing of these items.

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