Athletic budget cuts continue

Following up on an earlier post about budget cuts in the nation's athletic departments, here are the latest announcements about athletic programs pulling back and adjusting to reduced funding. The full article can be accessed by clicking the link.

  • Nicholls State - $150,000 cut to be implemented by end of fiscal year (June 30)- reducing travel for spring teams, scheduling additional guarantee games in football and basketball, hiring freeze including women's soccer head coach position (vacant since November).

  • University of North Carolina - Considering reducing team travel and travel squad sizes.

  • James Madison University - Facing 10% cut on a $26 Million budget - Considerations include leaving open positions unfilled, elimination of staff travel, less expensive hotels, bus travel instead of flying, and considering additional guarantee games in football and basketball.

  • Louisiana State University - Louisiana State system facing possible layoffs of 1900 faculty and staff members.

  • Georgia - In an example of an athletic department funding the educational mission, athletic department to donate $6 million to the University's general fund to offset loss of state funding.

  • Missouri - Shifting air travel from charters to commercial air, reducing out of season competition, sleeping three student athletes to a hotel room instead of two, hiring freeze for non-essential personnel, reducing television advertising, reducing overtime.

Check back in the near future for more updates about on-going budget related articles from around the nation.


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