Athletic Budget Cuts: Just the tip of the iceberg?

As every facet of society looks to save money during this challenging economic climate, the string of bad news about declining athletic budgets is coming fast and furious. And as bad as it currently is, it doesn't appear that the worst has even unfolded yet. An earlier article about Stanford was among the first and most notable. followed up with in-depth suggestions about institutional cost savings as well as conference and NCAA suggestions. In order to help you keep up with the latest, here is a list of links with a brief summary about what is happening around the nation. Each link will take you directly to a more in depth article.

  • Florida State - Considering a 10% budget cut, amounting to over $5 million. Also examining reductions in tutoring, shifting from charter flights to charter buses, and cancellation of league swimming meets.

  • Dartmouth - 15% budget cut - discussions ongoing.

  • Albany - 10% budget cut ($1.3 million).

  • East Tennessee State - 10% cut ($600,000) - Eliminating media guides, cutting recruiting, as well as cutting apparel and shoe allocations.

  • Ohio State - ($1.4 million) - Reducing meal money allocations, coaches are now sharing rooms on road trips, and the elimination of overtime pay.

  • Northern Arizona - 5% reduction as well as criticism about the value of athletics in general.

  • Louisiana State - No raises and considering staffing cuts.

  • Nevada - 10% cut including a 6% salary reduction.

These are just a few examples of the stories unfolding nationwide. Ultimatesportsinsider has been able to find one lone bright spot amidst the wreckage - Nebraska. More updates to come. Check back regularly and feel free to share information that you come across.


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