Athletic budget cut update #6

Vermont - Announced the discontinuation of baseball and softball after the conclusion of the 2009 season. A $1.1 million budget deficit and a 6.5% cut in the general funds budget resulted in the devastating decision for 43 student athletes. The University also plans to leave 16 staff positions vacant, most of which are in the athletic department. "They represent, in our view, a sensible approach to inescapable financial realities," President Daniel Fogel said in an interview.
- Hawaii - Considering elimination of a sport and indicated it would be a men's sport due to Title IX concerns.
- Michigan - Decreasing the price of season tickets in football.
- Middle Tennessee State - Considering the elimination of two fund-raisers to save $100,000; a $150,000 budget cut to the student athlete enhancement center; consolidation of the sports information and sports marketing offices to save an additional $175,000.
- Tennessee Chattanooga - Athletics facing a $1 million budget reduction leading to reduced recruiting and professional development opportunities for coaches.
- TCU - Facing an 8% budget cut - Changing equipment ordering process and scheduling more local teams for competition.
Check back regularly for more updates.